Friday, November 5, 2010

Module VI - The View from Space


How better to launch an exploration of global systems than with NASA? There are thousands of images and resources you can discover and use at the NASA National Space Science Data Center. And while you're there, click around the NASA image resources library for images that interest you. Maybe there's one there for your next lesson or blog response.

Google Earth
While we're getting the BIG picture on global weather systems, let's take some time to visit Google Earth to see what NASA's Weather Layer has to show us with this near real time data.

Download this layer from the Google Earth gallery of free plug-ins and open it in Google Earth. But remember, this large program works better if you don't have too many layers open at the same time. You may want to turn the weather layer off when you're using other Google Earth features.

  • What does the Google Earth Weather Layer show you about weather patterns across the globe?
  • Take a screen shot or two to include in your blog that illustrates an atmospheric phenomenon you've learned about.
  • What are some ways you could use this kind of near-real time weather information?

  • What is the value of Google Earth and NASA information and imagery for today's digital learners?