If you are taking this course for credit, Here’s how it works:
1. If you are reading this, you are at the Explore Alaska! - Alaska Native and Western Perspectives on Earth's Systems blog. You may want to bookmark it for easy access.
2. Read and review all materials and media for each week’s module. You’ll find each module section posted in Course Module menu in the upper right corner of this page. Each week, a new blog (module) will be posted.
3. Follow instructions to set up your Teachers' Domain and Blogger accounts.
4. Respond to the 3 Questions and 3 Colleagues assignment for each module in your own blog.
4. Respond to the 3 Questions and 3 Colleagues assignment for each module in your own blog.
5. Over the course of the course, prepare a Final Project Plan for your final blog post - incorporating themes, information and media presented in this course. It can be a lesson, unit, presentation or some other product that is appropriate to your professional position.
Note: Throughout each module, you will find several Explain/Extend/Evaluate questions. These questions are intended only to focus content and help guide the learner.
You are NOT expected to respond to these questions in your blog. But please consider each question in light of your understanding, experience and context.
Your blog is due 8:00 am each Monday, for the module the week prior. Each week, I will read your blog, score it and respond to it in the moderated comments section of your blog.
Note: Your score and my comments are not for public viewing, so when you are setting up your blog, please be certain to select Moderated Comments in the Settings menu in Blogger.